Contact Details

Email Addresses

Note: email addresses using the format have been suspended following a hacking attack.
Please use the telephone numbers or revised email addresses given below.
If you have not had a reply to a message within 3 working days then do resend it, as it is easy to overlook the gems amongst the dross. It also helps if you can include something distinctive in your subject line. We do not send external messages from the addresses; any messages purporting to come from the address are spam and should be deleted without being opened.

The Romanian Aid Foundation

Postal address:
289 Court Lodge Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 8RG

Our phone contacts are volunteers and may not be able to respond immediately.
Brian on 01293 432026 or Bernard on 01293 784048

General Email: …
Further Information: …
Treasurer: …
remember to remove the colons!

UK Registered Charity No. 1060828

Asociatia Neemia

Str Spiru Haret Nr.9, Bl.16a
Dorohoi 715200, Botosani, Romania
Phone: +40-(0)231-610059

Our Co-ordinator in Romania is Benoni Mirauta. He can be contacted on
Mobile : +40-744-198068
Email :  remember to remove the colons!

RoAF in South Wales

Richard & Linda Burgess – 01570 470468

Paul & Gloria Hare – 01792 893355

RoAF Technical Support

Underwriting the technical aspects of the Foundation’s work.

Webmaster:  remember to remove the colons!

Website Technical Information
This website and the parallel site for Asociatia Neemia are maintained using WordPress.
The RoAF-AN photo gallery is maintained using Coppermine Photo Gallery.
Our pages are tested with Firefox – other browsers may render the site in a different way from that intended. Please advise our web-master of any dead or missing links – email as above.
Latest technical update: March 2019

Published, 16 Sep 2007: Page updated, 14 Mar 2024