RoAF-AN Photo Gallery

A record of Help, Hope and Co-operation in northeast Romania

Stay safe!
These jackets are in great demand, particularly in the rural areas. They are valued rather more for their warmth rather than any road safety considerations.
Keywords: oct17;Load17-06;Hi-vis

Stay safe!

These jackets are in great demand, particularly in the rural areas. They are valued rather more for their warmth rather than any road safety considerations.

20171030_114121sw.jpg 20171030_114329sw.jpg 20171030_114418sw.jpg 20171030_114506sw.jpg 22447179sw.jpg CIMG2958sw.jpg CIMG2960sw.jpg CNfence01sw.jpg IMG_0499sw.jpg
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File information
Album name:roaftech / October 2017
Keywords:oct17 / Load17-06 / Hi-vis
Location:AN warehouse
Picture date:04/Oct/17
Filesize:171 KiB
Date added:Monpm31UTC pm3030UTC30: 30/Oct/2017
Dimensions:768 x 1024 pixels
Displayed:129 times
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