RoAF-AN Photo Gallery

A record of Help, Hope and Co-operation in northeast Romania

Prayer Notes, Dec'22
Click on the image to read the prayer notes on-screen.
Keywords: dec22;pub2212d

Prayer Notes, Dec'22

Click on the image to read the prayer notes on-screen.

Craig_12B1289_n.jpg CIMG0149sw-n.jpg Prayer2305may.png Prayer2303mar.png Prayer2212dec.png Prayer2308aug.png Prayer2302feb.png Prayer2211nov.png Prayer2209sep.png
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File information
Album name:roaftech / Publications, December 2022
Keywords:dec22 / pub2212d
Filesize:577 KiB
Date added:Thuam31UTC am0808UTC08: 08/Dec/2022
Dimensions:800 x 565 pixels
Displayed:78 times
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