RoAF-AN Photo Gallery

A record of Help, Hope and Co-operation in northeast Romania

Surplus Stationery
Printer's offcuts can be used for handicrafts
Keywords: dec23;Schools

Surplus Stationery

Printer's offcuts can be used for handicrafts

IMG_20240703_104457775-sw.jpg IMG-20240114-WA0014-sw.jpg IMG-20240114-WA0018-sw.jpg IMG_20240802_143430-sw.jpg 419614767056736-sw.jpg IMG_20240112_134141-sw.jpg IMG-20240114-WA0015-sw.jpg IMG-20240602-WA0011-sw.jpg IMG-20240704-WA0000-sw.jpg
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File information
Album name:roaftech / December 2023
Keywords:dec23 / Schools
Picture date:Dec'23
Filesize:270 KiB
Date added:Tuepm31UTC pm2626UTC26: 26/Dec/2023
Dimensions:768 x 1024 pixels
Displayed:12 times
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