Mind the meters!
115 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - main gate
120 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - front gate
117 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - front balconies
121 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - west elevation
123 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - Installation of Balcony Balustrades Dan, Aurel, Costel and Ioan braved icy winds and the threat of snow to install the balustrades. 118 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
Casa Neemia - Banisters for main staircase
118 views photodate: 30/Oct/2017
School Jumpers from south Wales
141 views photodate:
What's behind the door?
135 views photodate: 04/Oct/17
Stay safe! These jackets are in great demand, particularly in the rural areas. They are valued rather more for their warmth rather than any road safety considerations. 129 views photodate: 04/Oct/17
Casa Neemia - Fence installation
122 views photodate: 28/Oct/2017
The Sainsbury Collection
217 views photodate: 07/Oct/2017