Appropriate Technology The horse-drawn seed-drill is ideal in urban smallholdings and smaller rural plots. 115 views photodate: 12/Apr/2016
Seeding the Garden with Maize The small area of the plot and the limited access mean that there is still value in the old ways! 126 views photodate: 12/Apr/2016
Foundations for the Garden Wall
104 views photodate: 14/Apr/2016
Foundations for the Garden Wall The road outside Casa Neemia is being reconstructed and we need to make sure our entrance ties in with the works. 114 views photodate: 14/Apr/2016
Foundations for the Garden Wall
113 views photodate: 14/Apr/2016
Casa Neemia - Frontage Preparation The road outside the house is being rebuilt and the boundary wall needs to be in place before the footpath is laid. 113 views photodate: 18/Apr/2016