Well Underway Ground has been broken for the construction of a new home for the ex-orphanage boys. First on the site is the well-diggin team - the well will provide water for construction and later for use for non-potable purposes in the house. 104 views photodate: 27/Mar/2015
Best Foot(wear) Forward What this photo does not show is the condition of the boy's footwear before he was given these new trainers - quite literally a case on not being able to keep body and sole together. 80 views photodate: 26/Mar/15
Working Well Two volunteers removing the spoil from the new well. 94 views photodate: 02/Apr/2015
Easter Handicrafts Easter still has a religious significance in Romania,and heralds the arrival of Spring and the season of new life. In a village kindergarten, children have used donated handicraft materials to illustrate both aspects of Easter. 78 views photodate: 29/Mar/15