Most viewed - July 2012

238 views photodate: 19/Jul/2012

237 views photodate: 19/Jul/2012

232 views photodate: 19/Jul/2012

Mihai Stoian Mihai receives a designated box sent by a supporter in England. RoAF is able to distribute designated boxes on behalf of sponsors, and provide them with feedback and news. 230 views photodate: 12/Jul/2012

Little Richard
184 views photodate: 31/Jul/2012

160 views photodate: 31/Jul/2012

153 views photodate: 31/Jul/2012

Denisa and Sorina
152 views photodate: 31/Jul/2012

146 views photodate:

146 views photodate: 19/Jul/2012

146 views photodate: 31/Jul/2012

Sponsored support Mihai receives food and clothing from a family in eastern England. 145 views photodate: 12/Jul/2012