Gift Box Update, August 2021
FOR many years now you, our supporters have been faithfully filling shoe boxes to be given as Christmas presents to children and adults in and around Dorohoi, Romania. During the last few years our colleagues there have had to make difficult decisions, which child or family would not receive a box? As you will understand, the spirit of Christmas and the sentiment with which we fill our boxes are diminished or lost all together when this happens.
SO we have decided to stop the Christmas box appeal, replacing it with a cash gift sent to our partners in Dorohoi, they will then be able to purchase a food item for each family as a Christmas gift. IF you would like to be a part of the gift of money we will send, please join in and make a donation direct to our bank 30-94-38 acc. 00395965 ref. Food
IF you still want to send boxes on a personal basis then please continue to do so. They need to be marked with the name of your intended recipient and the weight of the contents. Box contents must be limited to stationery, personal items or toys – no food or large clothing. However please be mindful that the delivery of these can be embarrassing in and around Dorohoi, especially in those communities where some receive and some do not.
WE take this opportunity to recognise all of the support from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Families, Schools and Clubs, for the many thousands of boxes we have received over more than twenty years.
Gift Box Memories