Easter Reflections

These Reflections draw our thoughts to the events that are celebrated at Easter each year. They form a series of Easter reflections prepared for, and by, members of Horley Baptist Church.

Title Bible Passage Date Author
The Supporting Cast Esther 4, Psalm 84
1 Corinthians 1, 2 Timothy 2
09/Apr/2024 Steve Humphreys
Divine Heartburn Luke 24 31/Mar/2024 David Makanjuola
When Love Died 1 John 3 26/Mar/2024 Steve Humphreys
It Is Finished Revelation 22 19/Apr/2022 Steve Humphreys
The Hero is Back ~ 06/Apr/2021 Steve Humphreys
Maundy Thursday Genesis 8, John 13 01/Apr/2021 Steve Humphreys
What Might You Be Missing? Mark ch15 v42-47 12/Apr/2020 David Makanjuola
Good Friday Mark ch15 v21-39 10/Apr/2020 Ian Gray
Gethsemane Mark ch14 v32-46 09/Apr/2020 Lesley Edwards
Come Dine with Me Mark ch14 v16-25 08/Apr/2020 Steve Humphreys
Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet John ch13 v1-5 07/Apr/2020 Michael Goble
The Anointing at Bethany Mark ch14 v3-9 06/Apr/2020 Chris Ginter
Jesus’s Triumphal Entry Mark ch11 v1-11 05/Apr/2020 Dennis Ginter

Bible quotations: Unless otherwise specified, quotations are taken from the resources of Bible Gateway or Bible Hub, in accordance with the licencing conditions outlined on our Site Policies page.

Bible dates: Where appropriate, the dates given for Biblical events are based on the Bible Timeline resource
and are subject to the constraints defined on the corresponding webpage.

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Published, 23/Apr/2020: Page updated, 07/Apr/2024